The topo which is the basic for this Online Update-Topo:
Bouldertopo "Tinos-Bloc" by Karsten Oelze and Harald Röker published by the GEBRO Verlag.
The book is available online
at the publishing houses webpage,
at specialised dealers
and at place at the rental car company "Vidalis".
Here a summary-update (August 2011)
as PDF-Download thanks to Rich Lenham:
If you have info about new problems, please send this to the following E-Mail Adress:
You can also attach photos showing the new problems!
Please try to send the pics in reasonable sizes, 709 pixels wide would be perfect!
If you draw the course of the problem inside the photo, would be best to use just white colour!
Many thanks!
Content / Sectors (in paranthesis the last update-date)
In the meanwhile there do exist also bolted climbing routes on the island. You
can find a topo online (texts in Greek) at the following link: Vrahomania
- Tinos climbing.
Livada (Content)
Boulder 16
- Rékréativity 8a (Start like "Kreativity", then don't go to the right through the roof, but go left around the edge of the roof into the crimpy wall)
Boulder 25
- Titty Twister 5b [Charis Kalogirou] 3m to the right of "Blue Planet"
- Snake Twister 6a [Felix Pommer] 5m to the right of "Blue Planet"
Boulder 28
- Smiling Dolphin 5b SD (On the back side of "Balarina")
Boulder 32
- The Lifer 7b+..7c (Change of grade)
New developed problems in the area left and above of Boulder 22 ("Chickenhead")
Boulder 7
- Star Alliance SD ~7c (New sitting start)
This sector is somewhere in the nowhere upwards of sector Skull
- Gone with the wind 7a+ SD (Excellent problem, but really a bit lost in the bushland, blue arrow)
Kakia Skala (Content)
According to info dating to December 2023 this whole sector is blocked by a fence and not accessible any more!
Boulder 2
-Mawa's Project ~8a? (Standing start in the middle of "Flatliner", EXPO)
This boulder and the problems right next to it are no longer possible as some one has built a shack and fenced it off.
According to info dating to December 2023 this whole sector is blocked by a fence and not accessible any more!
Petriados (Content)
Boulder 7 (THE WHALE)
- Moby Dick 7c (Change of grade)
Volax (Content)
Boulder 18
- Octopus 6a+ (4 m right of "Sisyphus", nice stand up, blue arrow)
Boulder 2
- Ogolithos 7? (The project is climbed now, EXPO)
In spring 2008 the Swiss bouldering team around Urs Schönenberger visited Tinos and added some new excellent problems in sector UFO. Now we got the info for the new problems, excellently documented in a well made PDF (thanks a lot Urs!):
UFO new problems [~1.1 MB]
Here the translation for the access:
Take the same path like for the sector Nefeli. There just before boulder 1 turn to the left and follow along footpathes for about 10 minutes into the valley. You will have to traverse 2 goat-pastures surrounded by stonewalls. At the end of the valley you will see a well visible goat-stable.
Sophia's World (new) (Content)
A completely "new" sector was developed by Steffen Kern in Spring 2008.
Steffen sent us the old PDF (which was not available any more at the old webspace) in spring 2024 again, thanks a lot Steffen!: PDF-Topo by Steffen
As the PDF is in German language, here the acces and most important info in English:
The parking is the same as for the Volax-sectors.
From the parking of Volax you have to follow the big field-path past the sector Livadaki and continue downhill for about 500 m. The sector is on the right hand side and continues for about 300 m. The boulders are lying on a slope, the orientation is south-west.