Nufenenpass / Äginatal

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Situation: Close to the pass road of the Nufenenpass, just some kilometres after the village Ulrichen.
Climate:   Quite sunny at an altitude of about 1650 m. Snow in winter and the pass road is closed.
Rock:       Gneiss/Granite
Topo:          swiss Bloc °1 (GEBRO Verlag), more info and order

Boulder problems
About 46 problems 3b to 8a+.
  2 -   5+ :  17
6a - 6b+ :  16
6c - 7a+ :    7
7b - 7c+ :    5
8a - 8a+:     1


520                                                                                                           (To the sectors)

The currently done problems have almost all a very good landing at the border of the alpine pasture.



522                                                                                                            (To the sectors)

This sector iy lying a but upstream, the boulders are spread on the valley floor or on the not very steep hillside.


